Since I want the house to be uncluttered and my family be dressed then I guess sleep will have to go (it usually is the first to go, being the last on my list of things to do) and because I am pretty sure having a blog is not going to add to the value of our home/property then I must take a short break from it.
After Thursday I will be able to let the appearance of our humble abode slither back down to its usual state of disarray but until then I bid you good reading... elsewhere. :-)
Oh I just remembered that I already have my Watch Me Wednesday post ready to go. So at least there is that for tomorrow. Otherwise, see you Friday.
I want to add three hours to but I want them to be during the night so I can get more sleep. See you when you return.
If you ever figure out a way to add 3 more hours, sign me up please!
Hope your appraisal goes well. We sold two house in the worst state ever..one being a flood..everyone said it wouldn't sell but it did..two days after the flood..CRAZY!!! Toys on the ground don't make the value drop:)! Hang in there, my friend!
-sandy toes
Thursday, as in 2 days or next thursday? I need to know these things, so I can prepare myself. I barely survived the drought from the holidays, and now you have some lame-o excuse about an appraisor? What-ev-er! (Don't you love my typed valley girl accent?) Good luck!
be looking forward to your return!
If I could I would give you a few hours of MY sleep time. You certainly deserve it. Take a deserved break.
I want three more hours as well!! lol. Praying all goes well and I will be waiting so let me know when you're bqack okay!!! Your Parents are in Kauai? that is a beautiful Island. I am in Oahu, Yell them I said ALOHA!!!!
Hugz Lorie
Good Luck!
Oh wow! I didn't know you were selling. All things are possible! : )!
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