Monday, October 13, 2008

My 100th Post Giveaway Extravaganza!

Post a comment
and you may win a prize!

Yippee Skippee!!! That's right this is post #100 right here, right now! The reason this is such a momentous occasion for me is that I rarely stick to anything long enough for it to reach 100 of anything. This is the first journal of any kind that has lived past its first week of entries. Sure there have been a few rough spots, lengthy absences, and pointless posts but all in all I believe it is shaping up to be something I can be proud of in a modest, embarrassed, please read it but don't read it kind of way. :-p


:-0 Well that's not a good sign. Lets pep this thing up a little.

Here is how this week of my 100th post will play out. Each day I will pull up a post from the past... one which recieved no comments. It won't be that difficult to find them since I only just started to recieve comments about fifty posts ago. Then you leave a comment and I will enter your name into a drawing to win a Super Delux Dinner and a Movie Plus Dessert Ultimate Autumnal Stimulous Package Giveaway.

Wait! Hold on! There's more! If you act now and mention my Giveaway on your blog with a link to my blog then you will recieve an extra entry free of charge (you must mention in your comment that you did this so I can check it out ;-) ).

Now here is the kicker! heehee I'll be making post and taking entries every day this week (Monday - Friday)... all you have to do is leave a comment to enter. SO, if you stop by every day AND mention the Giveaway with a link on your blog you could earn up to six entries!!! WOW!!! :-D

I will be revealing the winner on Wednesday, October 22nd.

Now what exactly is this Super Delux Dinner and a Movie Plus Dessert Ultimate Autumnal Stimulous Package Giveaway.

It is exactly...

  • One box of Archer Farms Four Cheese Flourintine. Actually just fancy mac and cheese... AKA... dinner ;-)
  • One Blockbuster gift card worth $5.35. Movie.
  • One coupon for a free 12 pack of any Pepsi-Cola product. Share the love, thats my motto. Whatsamottoforyou? LOL! ~sorry~
  • One bag of Act II Butter Lover's microwave pop corn. MMMmmm my favorite :-)
  • One sizable bag of Brach's chocholate caramel candy corn...AKA... Triple dyed high fructose corn syrup poured into cute little molds until hardened... AKA... dessert.
  • Also for dessert is a selection of chocolatey delights. Five bite size Snickers, five bite size Heath bars, and five Hershey special dark chocolate truffles.
  • One leaf shaped candy dish to hold the chocolatey delights. :-)
  • A cute little leafy pad of sticky notes
  • And rounding out the Autumnal part of the prize package is a magnetic shopping list pad.


Included is a copy of Motherhood The Second Oldest Profession by Erma Bombeck AND last but not least, a biography of Martin Luther ( The German Theologian) by Mike Fearon. Because my family doesn't celebrate Halloween, we celebrate Reformation Day!

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll think, you'll pig out. Too much you say? Well, I am not known for showing restraint :-p I just wanted the prize celebrating my 100th post to be something I would enjoy getting (just in case no one comments).

For my first blast from the past I present to you my very first post (in pink) from April 17th, 2006.

I'm going to be cranky tomorrow. All I was trying to do was leave a comment on a friends blog (thanks a lot Skretch GO!...Hey, I have to blame someone.) and now, here I am, a new, proud owner of a blog I don't want.

What do I do with it?

I like romantic dinners, movies, and long walks on the beach...Oh wait, thats something different.

Hmmm...I'm sure I'll figure this out. It's too late to be creative now...or maybe its just too early.

Let the games begin ;-)


T said...

Well, I am so glad you got over your cranky mood and kept up the blog!! Now haven't you been having fun?!?!

Stonefox said...

Wow, girl, you've got it going on over here! I would love to win this chocolately and buttery package (I'll have it sent to my mom if I win!). Congrats on the 100th post!

sphinx63 said...

Congrats on your 100th! You are doing a great job for someone that didn't even want to blog!

Julie said...

Oooooo! I love being stimulated! Do I get extra points for being the first ever to comment on your blog?! ;)

Grandma Tillie's Bakery said...

Congratulations on 100 posts! I would like to win please :-) If I win you don't even have to send the Blockbuster's card since we don't have that here.

Greg C said...

Those are some prizes. I will have to put mr linky on my blog to get entered for more prizes. Congrats on number 100.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Well, I see you were clever from the beginning! Congratulations on your 100th post. You're one of the best out there. I'm Linda Crow, and I approve this message, er, blog. :)

Beck said...

AWESOME! I cannot wait to win ALL OF THOSE THINGS. (I'm the optomistic sort.)
And my history lesson was VERY entertaining, THANK you! >:)

cpullum said...

WOW 100th Post!!! Thats awsome!!!
Congrats!!!! Nice giveaway!!! My kind of prize!


Joyfulsister said...

LOl okay..Well alrighty then!!! I'm in, I need to win something, and these goodies would be so fun to have!!! and I'll also add your button link.. Thanks Becky!!!

Hugz Lorie

Joyfulsister said...

Happy 100th Post Sistah!!!

Emily said...

Happy 100! I got a kick out of your first post. :) Congrats. Here's to a hundred more.

Karen Deborah said...

What we don't anticipate is just how ADDICTING this little hobby is!!! nice prize package, soof course Ill post about ya, I still havne't figured out how to do the Mr Linky thingie, I just put the address in. Recyclying old unread posts is a pretty good idea, I've got some of those too.

Shell in your Pocket said...

How fun! I will mention you tomorrow on my post!!
What great stuff!
-Sandy Toes

beckyjomama said...

YAY you!!!! I totally missed my 100th post AND my one year bloggaversary!!!! I am worse than a man!

I just love your blog - so glad you found mine so I could find yours!

Becky said...

What a super di duper prize package!! I need it! I am so hoping to win!
I'm glad you stuck out your blogging because how great to meet another Becky.
So now I need to tell you why I need the prize even though it is not a requirement and then I will most assuredly link over to this on my neglected blog.
Firstly, I need it because my husband loves candy corn (his fave!) and I love dark chocolate, snickers, & heath bars are my FAVORITE! A perfectly perfect snack for the both of us.
Secondly, my husband would devour the Martin Luther book and I would love to read the book on motherhood!
Thirdly, I love fall decor!
Fourthly, you've seen my shopping feats and I just know I would do so much better with a magnetic shopping list!
Fifthly, I just like winning prizes and to win one in honor of my new-friend-with-the-same-name's 100th post would be splendid!!
Congrats again on your 100th post and here's to hundreds more!!

Betsy said...

I so felt that exact same way on my first blog. Can't wait till I get to 100.

Dena said...

Congratulations on 100 posts! Here's to reading another 100+! :)

Unknown said...

Isn't it great those cranky times don't arrive to often? LOL I think from your writings that you bounce out of them pretty quikly! Congrats on your 100th and many more! Maybe you are just coming in to your stick-to-it-tive-ness! I'f love to win your fun giveaway. It would mean an evening off for me! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Happy 100th. What a cool prize.. to be won..