Hostessed by MamaKat
The Prompts:
1.) If you were starring on American Idol TONIGHT and HAD to sing, what song would you choose and why.
2.) Take a picture of yourself right this minute without primping and explain to us why it is you have not washed your hair today.3.) I just asked Pat to help me with a writing prompt so here's his: "What do you think about the NBA All Star game"...blech.
4.) What's your number one pet peeve? Develop a punishment for anyone caught in the act.
5.) Write about something mean you did to a sibling growing up.
This week I'm going to start with #5
5.) I was the youngest of two children. My older brother, by three years, was a BIG. FAT. JERK! Now, I realize that is not a very Christian thing to say about your only sibling, but please understand that, when I say big fat jerk, I am being nice. Growing up it was sort of a Cain and Able situation. He worked hard at being bad and hated me for being good. I couldn't help it, I was born a kiss up. I'm a people pleaser and I like to be good. In turn I was mentally and physically tortured (pushing, poking, and arm punching, not beatings, although, I vaguely remember being pinned down and spit on or slapped on the forehead a few times) by my troubled bro and my parents remained blissfully unaware for the most part... because if he got in trouble ... I paid for it.
Now that we are all grown up he likes to pretend that we are all lovey and bygones are bygones and that we are friends and can have holidays together as a family... and we do but only because I know My Love would skin him alive if he ever tried to pull any of that c.r.a.p. on me now AND I love my nephews and think they need exposure to normalcy AND I do love my brother but I do not like him.
Wow, that didn't really have anything to do with the prompt. LOL, and that is quite possibly the most serious thing I have ever posted...sorry... won't happen again :-p Let me eat a brownie to regain my strength. MMMmmmm... *schmack*smack*...nummy...
Moving on...
4.) Sssoooooooo... things don't really bug me all that much... Oh wait! I hate the feel of toenails on my skin. My Love purposely puts his eagle claws on my legs in bed to gross me out. Yech! Is that a pet peeve? Punishment would have to be declawing. Just keep your toenails to yourself and we can be BFF!
Oh wait! I hope no one was in the process of reading this while I'm editing but I just thought of another one... I can't stand it when beautiful skinny people call themselves ugly and fat...or when someone is completely talented in, lets say, writing but they call them selves an idiot of the written word... or, oh I don't know, any self deprecating behavior... ARG! I just can't stand it! I mean if you are going to cut yourself down to earn a compliment I would rather you just asked me right out, "will you please tell me how beautiful/skinny/talented I am because I am having an insecure moment. I may cut myself down but at least when I do, its true! Punishment... to be locked in a padded room with yourself wearing a t-shirt that reads, "plesa compliment me or I may cry."
Ahhh, I feel better, you?
3.) Seriously skipping... nice try Pat. ;-)
2.) & 1.) Thats right look at me... going against the flow and combining to prompts in order to utterly humiliate myself by showing you my actual audition tape which I sent in to AI.
OK, that was a lie. I am so ashamed. I did the video for a blog carnival but I think if the AI judges could see this they would pull me in as a wild card for sure. And for my first song I would sing it exactly how I rewrote it and I would dedicate it to all the tired moms out there, because I know Simon loves that.
Here are a couple of pics from one of my mini photo sessions today. Yes, I took them just before posting this... no primping I promise...
... just a little posing... but thats normal for me.

Here I am reading one of the bestest, funniest blogs in here-o blogship (see, natural born kiss-up).

And no, I didn't wash my hair today because I took a shower late Tuesday evening and Wednesday morn I opted for an extra 30 minutes of sleep instead of rinse and repeat.