Becky factoid: Its time you knew. I'm addicted to thrift stores. Well, to be honest, its not just thrift stores... its garage sales, flea markets, any place I can find something I never even knew I couldn't live without for under a quarter. I usually don't spend much... a trinket here, a flower pot there. Even all the kids' Christmas presents last year were second hand.
Hmmmm... is that sad?
Anyway, since about 90% of everything we own was given to us or from a thrift store I have decided to participate in ...

One of my favorite local events is the Higgins Diggins Flea Market. The Lions Club gathers the smelliest vendors from around the county, puts them all in a big dusty field in the midst of Summer, and supplies a few port-o-pottys. It is a lot of junk but the hunt is part of the fun.
Last year, when I had just about had it with the dust and the scorching sun I spotted it. A 20x24 framed scientific drawing of a dragon fly with roses.
Becky factoid: I have a mild dragonfly fetish. I say mild because they are here and there in my decor but not everywhere.
I walked over to the framed art work and as casually as possible, asked the price... $20. I thought it was worth it but I can get extremely whishy washy about stuff like this. I looked at it... wondered around her booth, looked at it again, then smiled at the current owner, thanked her and began to leave.
"I'll take fifteen on that picture." She called out. *GASP* I was too obvious! I turned back, "I'll think about it." I smiled. FIFTEEN! I really like it... but I don't NEED it... fifteen... golly....
Becky factoid: It takes me forever to make a decision to spend anything over a dollar at secondhand venues.
I went down the next isle pondering, whishing and washing, until I finally decided what to do. I went back to the booth with the picture and said, "I'll take it for ten." Please keep in mind that most of the vendors had started packing up, the end was near. "OK." said the former owner.
I paid the lady, grabbed the picture and ran to my car before I changed my mind again. Now it lives with me on the wall of our great room.
OK... so the room is not that great... but the picture is. :-)

My Dragonfly print isn't the only thing having its second go around. Lovely Karyn from Musings From Me has tagged me with this award...
I've seen it before but I'm all into being awarded... and its ovewhelmingly wonderful to be recognized for anything other than changing a doody diaper in 30 seconds flat.
Thank you Karyn :-D
Along with this award I am to share 7 things I love. I like how Karyn started hers...
Besides my Lord, My Love and My kids 7 things I love are:
- Peace and quiet or just the sound of the rain hitting the roof.
- Bird watching, feeding birds on my property.
- Kitties.
- Cold pizza and icecream (no walnuts or pecans, puh-leeze).
- Crafting, making stuff with my hands, producing something I can be proud of.
- Sleeping waaaaaaaaaay in.
- The coast.
Now I am supposed to tag seven others... if you haven't done this one yet I tag YOU! Don't forget your reward. Anyone who comes by here over and over again deserves it.
Cool pic and great price :)
I wish you lived closer... I could be motivated to do more bargan hunting with the right guideance. LOL... maybe.
Girl! I just love your blog!! And I love the dragonfly print!!
You did good!!
Now you just give them a call about that job! And praying it's yours!
After reading that I am red faced because I do not have the patience nor inclination to bargin shop!! Love the dragonfly pic, and I am with you on #6
What a great post..I love your picture!
Happy day!
Cute print, and I really wish we lived closer to each other. You and I could really rock the flea markets!
Love your list, and I'm with you on all but #4. I don't do cold food (when it started out warm) and I'm not an ice cream fan...but I do agree on no nuts.
You did great with this! I love this dragon fly print! The frame is great and so is the print itself... so much wonderful detail! I share your love of dragonflies. I have some dragonfly glasses I love.
Wishing you a happy 2nd Time Around Tuesday...
Sheila :-)
You got a real's beautiful.
Great pic and awesome bargain!! I really do love me some bargain shopping!
What a beautiful dragonfly frame! And for $10, what a great deal!...Christine
You can have the cold pizza, just give me all the ice cream!
Top o’ the mornin’ to ya! Have a good St. Patrick's Day.
Great bargaining! Just the frame was worth way more than you paid!
Happy St. Patty's Day!
Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts
You are a riot girl.It has been over 30 yrs,But I can still so remember wanting,need ing someone,anyone over 5 yrs old to talk to me.I so know whee you are coming from.
And I too am a thrift,junk,antique,garage,estate,yard sale aholic too.AND I ENJOY IT.......................ANN
ooooooh. I will be looking forward to your second hand posts!
That is lovely.
Congrats on the award...
I love second handing it as well.
I LOVE that the gifts were 2nd hand..I do that too. ;-)
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